these medical conditions develop slowly, eventually they can be devastating.
Persons who let their diabetes get out of control risk going blind,
experiencing a variety of infections, having a foot or leg amputated, requiring
kidney dialysis or a transplant, or becoming incapacitated or dying from a
stroke or heart attack, among a host of other serious outcomes.
taking steps to beat diabetes is critical. It's not that hard - so it can be
and your genes
is a persistent myth that diabetes is all about poor diets, unhealthy
life-styles and obesity.
it may be true that most people who are diabetic are overweight, some thin
people also get diabetes. And some people who have an unhealthy lifestyle
manage to avoid the disease. Why so?
is because genetics plays a part in the onset of diabetes. This can be seen
from the fact that diabetes seems to run in families.
unlike other kinds of genes, the diabetes gene does not 'dictate' that you will
get diabetes. It only makes it likely that diabetes will develop under
particular circumstances.
example, if the gene that controls the colour of your eyes says that you eyes
will be blue, then your eyes will be blue and there is nothing you can do about
it. The same goes for the type and colour of your hair. If your genes decree
wavy, brown hair for you then that's what you get.
kinds of genes that govern diabetes are different. They merely state that if
certain conditions come about then you will get diabetes, ie they predispose
you to getting the disease.
example, if your parents were diabetic, it is likely that you inherited the
genes that predispose you for type 2 diabetes. So, if you eat the same food as
your parents, you are likely to develop diabetes. But if you change your diet
and lifestyle, you can probably avoid your parents' fate.
big question is, once your diabetes has developed, can it be cured?
short answer is NO. There is no cure.
you can beat your diabetes - ie prevent the horrendous
consequences mentioned above from developing - by eating a plant-focused diet
and taking up exercise.
is relatively easy to do. If your diabetes is not too far advanced, you should
be able to stop taking your diabetes medications.
may also be able to reverse your diabetes - ie revert to your
state of health before you ever had diabetes at all - by eating a vegan diet
and following an extreme exercise regimen.
beat your diabetes, you must reduce the excess amounts of glucose and insulin
swirling around in your bloodstream.
do so, you need a diet that is: (1) low in sugar, (2) low in fat, (3) low in
salt, (4) high in fibre, and (5) digested slowly. Your diet must also exclude
all dairy products and eggs.
easiest way to devise such a diet is to concentrate on natural, unprocessed
foods that are mostly plants. You also need to drink plenty of water, to aid
the absorption of the fibre you eat.
should also take a range of supplements in order to cover any possible dietary
deficiencies you might encounter by avoiding dairy products.
is the basis of the diet I am using to beat my diabetes, so I know it works.
it is easy to put into practice. All you need to do is to learn how to read
food labels so that you can buy the most appropriate food products.
you have diabetes, you are likely to be quite overweight if not obese. Once you
have been following a beating-diabetes diet like this for three or four weeks,
you will notice your weight beginning to drop rapidly.
is due to the reduced fat and sugar in your diet. You weight will drop until it
has reached its natural level with a BMI (body mass index) of less than 25.
got my blood glucose under control by following the kind of diet outlined above
without doing any extra exercise. So it seems that exercise is not necessary in
order to beat your diabetes.
I have since discovered that exercise does help. For example, I eat the same
breakfast every day and check my blood glucose two hours later. Normally I get
very similar results. But I have noticed that if I go for a 20-minute walk
before checking my blood, my glucose reading will be up to ten percent lower
than it would be without that walk.
experience with diabetes and exercise is borne out by recent studies.
one recent study, people with type 2 diabetes exercised for 175 minutes a week,
ie 15 minutes a day for seven days a week and ate a low calorie diet. Within
one year, ten percent were able to give up their diabetes medications or had
improved to the point where their glucose readings could be classified as
pre-diabetic rather than diabetic.
average results were much better for those who has less severe or newly
diagnosed diabetes or who lost the most weight. Among these people, 20% were
able to give up taking their diabetes medications.
feel that if the subjects in this study had been put on the sort of diet I
outlined above, rather than a diet that merely restricted calories, most of
them would have been able to give up their medications entirely as I have done.
clinical trials (published in 1990) showed that a vegan diet along with changes
to a patient's lifestyle can reverse blockages in arteries.
diet excluded all meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, so that all animal fat and
cholesterol was eliminated from the diet.
patient had an angiogram when they first joined the trial and again after one
year. An angiogram is a an x-ray technique that uses a special dye and a
steady stream of x-rays to take pictures of the blood flow in an artery or vein
in the head, arms, legs, chest, back, or stomach.
results of these trials were impressive. The patients' chest pains ceased and
their average LDL (or 'bad') cholesterol level fell by 40 percent.
addition, comparing the angiograms at the start of the trial with the
angiograms taken after one year showed that blockages in the coronary arteries
(the arteries that lead to the heart muscle) were starting to shrink and that
these arteries were opening up again.
difference could be seen clearly on the angiograms of 82 percent of patients
after one year on the special diet and exercise programme - with no heart
bypass operations, angioplasties (artery-widening techniques) or cholesterol
lowering drugs.
the strong connection between heart disease and diabetes - two-thirds of
diabetics eventually die of heart disease - it is likely that such a diet can
reverse diabetes to the point where the patient is as healthy as he or she was
before their diabetes developed, provided the diet is leavened with a rigorous
exercise programme.
seems to me that you can beat your diabetes, ie prevent it damaging your body
beyond repair, by following a plant-focused diet along with some exercise. This
is a relatively easy thing to do (as I found out for myself) and, provided you
avoid all dairy products and eggs, should enable you to give up taking your
medications for diabetes.
your diabetes, so that you revert to the state of health you were in before you
developed diabetes, would be a much harder thing to do. But I believe it can be
done, by eating a strictly vegan diet (no meat products of any sort at all) and
an extreme exercise program.
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