is always important to eat a healthy diet, but for those who have such medical
conditions as diabetes, it is even more important. There are certain foods that
are not good for diabetics and certain foods that they should be getting more
of in their diets. Obviously, it is important to make sure that the foods that
diabetics eat are not high in sugar and fat, and it also helps to eat foods that
will help diabetics maintain a healthy weight.
What Is Diabetes?
is a disease that causes the body to either not produce enough insulin, which
is necessary for breaking down the foods we eat, or not using the insulin it
does produce properly. If you have been diagnosed as having diabetes, it is
more important than ever to make sure that you are eating right. There are
three types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, or juvenile diabetes; Type 2
diabetes; and gestational diabetes. When a person has diabetes, it means that
they have extremely high sugar counts in their blood and this must be
controlled. Depending on which type of diabetes you have, controlling your
sugars could be as easy as making some dietary changes-or you may need to take
insulin to keep your sugars regulated.
Type 1 Diabetes -
People who have Type 1 diabetes do not have enough insulin coming from the
pancreas and must rely on insulin shots to make sure that they have enough. At
one time, this involved taking needles, sometimes several times daily. Today,
there is a device called an insulin pump, which is attached to the stomach and
will supply insulin to the body as it needs it. Often, Type 1 diabetes is
caused by an autoimmune disorder, and the person with this type of diabetes has
an immune system that actually destroys the pancreas cells, making the organ
unable to produce enough insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes -
When the body does not properly use the insulin created by the pancreas, it is
known as Type 2 diabetes. Often, this is a condition that is caused, or at
least worsened, by being overweight. It is thought that excess body weight will
inhibit the body's ability to absorb and use insulin, and one way to alleviate
this is by losing weight. This can be done by eating a healthy weight loss diet
that is meant for diabetics. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the
disease, affecting between 90 and 95% of all diabetics.
Gestational Diabetes -
This is the only type of diabetes that is a temporary one. It usually occurs
when a woman is in the latter half of her pregnancy. It is always important to
eat healthy when pregnant, but when gestational diabetes comes into play, it is
even more important. When a woman has gestational diabetes, her pancreas is not
able to produce enough insulin, and she will have to make some dietary changes,
as well as monitor her blood sugar levels regularly. Fortunately, this form of
diabetes usually goes away once the baby is born, and it is rare that it will
cause the baby to be born with diabetes. It is important for women who are
pregnant to be tested for gestational diabetes, so they can start making the
dietary changes necessary to control the condition and have a healthy pregnancy
and a healthy baby.
What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes?
are many different symptoms of diabetes and although many people experience
many of the same symptoms, others may not, depending on the type of diabetes
they have. Some of the most common symptoms associated with Type 1 diabetes
Extreme thirst and hunger
Frequent urination
Loss of weight
Blurred vision
Extreme fatigue
symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are often very similar to those of Type 1 diabetes,
but they are not usually as severe and they come on more gradually. Weight is a
huge factor and about 80% of people with Type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Risk Factors for Developing Diabetes
are a number of risk factors for diabetes and if you find that you have some of
these risk factors, you should have your physician test you for diabetes. The
risk factors for diabetes include:
If you have a family history of diabetes, you may be at risk of developing the
disease yourself.
Being overweight can greatly increase your risk of developing diabetes and the
more overweight you are, the greater the risk.
Certain ethnic groups are at a higher risk for developing diabetes, including
Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and Latinos.
Blood Sugar Levels
a person has diabetes, it is essential that they monitor their blood sugar
levels and take the appropriate steps to make sure that the levels are what
they should be. Before eating, blood sugar levels should be between 90 and 130
and after eating, less than 180. If you have Type 1 diabetes, you will have to
monitor your blood sugar levels several times a day. Your physician will be
able to help you figure out just how often you should be doing this. In order
to make sure that your blood sugar levels are regulated, you may have to take
insulin (Type 1 diabetes), change your eating habits and get plenty of
A Healthy Diet Is Essential for
are certain things that must be included in a diabetic diet and foods that
definitely need to be avoided. It is important for diabetics to know what to
eat, how much to eat, and when they should eat. When a person is first
diagnosed as being diabetic, the dietary changes may seem colossal, but they
are not really that bad, especially if the person is already somewhat used to
eating healthy. It is also important to get enough exercise, which will also
help in weight loss and overall good health.
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